According to the decision made in the 34th Ordinary Session of the Executive Board Meeting of WFUCA in March 2014 in New York, the 9th World Congress of WFUCA was hosted by the Chinese National Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (CNFUCA) on July 21-25, 2015 in Beijing.
The agenda of the Congress includes opening ceremony and the celebration for the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of UNESCO, discussions and workshops, reports by the leadership of WFUCA regarding the action plan and activities of the last four years, approval of new members of WFUCA as well as elections for the next leadership of WFUCA for the term 2015- 2019. Cultural visits was also be arranged.
Más información: https://en.unesco.org/events/ix-world-congress-world-federation-unesco-clubs-centers-and-associations-wfuca